Tuesday, August 11, 2009

River Rats

Last Friday we headed up north to do a kayak trip on the Pier Marquette river with a bunch of us. It was a beautiful day and the river was quite quiet and calm. Abbey , Spencer and Karlee were with Scott and I, Pam, Dave and Austin Swift, Mary and Terry Neiboer , Mitch Grissen and Julie and Kelsey Lefter joined us also. We left Bowmans bridge around 11 am and finished at about 4 pm. Unbelieveable the bugs were pretty much not existant on the river, but once you were on shore watch out..

We hope to get a group out again this year as this is really quite fun and relaxing..

Paula Style...

Group photo, before we left....

Abbey and Spencer on the river.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Summer in the city

Me and Kate at MGM Casino have a $10 drink while Scott and Gary Gamble...
Downtown Detroit was quite busy Friday night, Walking into the casino made you instantly forget what time it was or what city you were in. It might have well be Las Vegas with out the strippers...

Messy and Emmy at the Casino, love these two!
Looking forward to celebrating with the at Kates and Garys Wedding!

Kate and Gary at Millers Pub in Dearborn for excellent burgers/ fries.
Very kool old pub!

Me and my dear Friend Crystal in Novi, We hadn't seen each other in 10 years but it felt like we had just left CMU!! Hope to see more of her soon, possibly on the golf course as she and her husband Phil are golf nuts like Scott.

Mike Mott, Jim Wallace and me at Millers pubs. These were some of my best buds in college. I had wayyyyyy to much fun with these two and it was so good to see them! Now most of the time i just get to see them on facebook.