Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Running with Chain Saws

This past weekend was our annual wood cutting weekend for the Walhalla gang, We cut 6-8 cords of wood every fall and then let it "season" for the year so that we have fuel for the woodstoves/fireplaces and campfire wood. Scott and I were entertaining my brother Scott Slagh from North Carolina Friday and Saturday am, so we took him out on the snowmobile trails in the tracker and up to Na Ta ka for a cocktail/beer. This is one of our typical trail stops with the group when we are out snowmobiling as it is about 20 minutes from the cabin and has great food. .Friday night we did our usual Oasis Tavern thing and headed out for pizza with the gang. We took Scott with us and then afterwards headed to Pam and Dave Swifts for a campfire. It was a great fall night and thanks to a borrowed coat from Tom Vandeburg my "southern" brother did not freeze.

Saturday am we all had "garage breakfast" at Javalings thanks to Tammys griddle. The guys "tweaked" all the chainsaws ( 5) and we headed to the Manistee Nnational Forest with maps and permits in hand. We cut two huge trailers of wood Saturday, split it all and then stacked it all at each families home by dark ( ish). We were never more than about 20 minutes from the cabins. Sunday am a group went out again to get 1 more trailer full . This sounds like a lot of work be we had a great time. Even the dogs had a good day! Heres some more photos :
(Oreo team: Shasha,Cameo Lexee)

Londi, being in "one" with the woods.

Moving crew taking a break

JJ and Dave ( aka wood junkies)

Tom V multi tasking with chain saws

Trailer 1 full and ready to split

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Punkin time

What a great fall weekend in Michigan. It was probably our last of the 70's temps for 2008. You never know through. I recall one christmas day in the 80's that was quite warm! I am hoping for another one next weekend so Kate, Emmy and I can do a great color tour. We of course being snowmobilers start to "think Snow". Scott and Spencer went the the snow show/grass drags in Hastings this weekend with some of the other Walhalla guys to get supplies and some new gear. Abbey worked most the weekend but came by on Sunday to hang with us. I tried to get a nice picture of her and Cameo but Cameo was being camera shy or was it just she was being her usual pistol mode??? Any way heres what I was able to manage.

Saturday I did some organizing and cleaning around the house and made some banana bread and pizza crust with a no wheat flour that actually tastes good! I have entered back into the world of "bread Products" due to Flax seed flour! I finally feel like I have won the battle with my wheat allergie issues! My test products look good and taste good without falling apart. Not a big deal for most of you but give up bread and pasta for 4 years and see how it goes..... Now If I could only find a no wheat beer that tastes like Rolling Rock......