Tuesday, August 11, 2009

River Rats

Last Friday we headed up north to do a kayak trip on the Pier Marquette river with a bunch of us. It was a beautiful day and the river was quite quiet and calm. Abbey , Spencer and Karlee were with Scott and I, Pam, Dave and Austin Swift, Mary and Terry Neiboer , Mitch Grissen and Julie and Kelsey Lefter joined us also. We left Bowmans bridge around 11 am and finished at about 4 pm. Unbelieveable the bugs were pretty much not existant on the river, but once you were on shore watch out..

We hope to get a group out again this year as this is really quite fun and relaxing..

Paula Style...

Group photo, before we left....

Abbey and Spencer on the river.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Summer in the city

Me and Kate at MGM Casino have a $10 drink while Scott and Gary Gamble...
Downtown Detroit was quite busy Friday night, Walking into the casino made you instantly forget what time it was or what city you were in. It might have well be Las Vegas with out the strippers...

Messy and Emmy at the Casino, love these two!
Looking forward to celebrating with the at Kates and Garys Wedding!

Kate and Gary at Millers Pub in Dearborn for excellent burgers/ fries.
Very kool old pub!

Me and my dear Friend Crystal in Novi, We hadn't seen each other in 10 years but it felt like we had just left CMU!! Hope to see more of her soon, possibly on the golf course as she and her husband Phil are golf nuts like Scott.

Mike Mott, Jim Wallace and me at Millers pubs. These were some of my best buds in college. I had wayyyyyy to much fun with these two and it was so good to see them! Now most of the time i just get to see them on facebook.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

the Besties....

Andrea and Aunt Paula

the Future Mr & Mrs Nick Fernandez....

Adam and Jessica
the besties on the porch waiting out the rain storm...

Kevin Story tellling and dancing...
Post campfire left overs....

Saturday night campfire....

Last weekend, Andrea and Kevin came up to Walhalla with their gang and left the youngsters at home. I think it was a much needed break from parenting for most and we had a great time! Campfires, Pot lucks, fishing, storytelling ( Kevin mostly...) and catching some rays in the sun. We had a total of 12 staying at our cottage. Our Fr iends Tom and Louise Vandeburg had the rest of the gang at their cottage just down the street - I think a total of 9 plus 6 dogs....
Sounds like this will be an annual event for us we had such a good time. Us old folks still know how to throw a party is guess! See ya next year if not sooner Besties gang!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

That little white ball...

Scott and Paula at the course with Spencer...

It was a beautiful Sunday at home and we'll all had the time to chase that little white ball around on the golf course. Scott, Spencer and I headed to Winding Creek to play nine. Scott did well, Spencer and I... well lets just say we had fun...
We decided Golf is not a mind game it is a butt game, Pain in the butt that is.
We were practicing for the Walhalla Plaid open in a few weeks up north. I actually had some great chips and putts which is typically my Nemisis in golf. Guess my short game has improved by hitting balls in the back yard for Cameo!!!

Summer Night In Saugatuck

Walllys Bar & Grill, Saugatuck MI

Grissens, Bareman and DeVries....

We decided to stay in town this weekend as it was suppose to be cold ( 60's ) at the cottage. Saturday night we headed to downtown Saugatck to Celebrate Chad Baarmans birthday with us and the Grissens. Even through it was cold in town it was still "gigin" so it was a good night!

It felt more like Fall than July though! After dinner we headed down to the new Water Street pub and Grill for 1 more , ( formly Billys Boat House) Not much has changed with the exception of the price increase......

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

July 4th 2009 Kayak trip

Davey, Pam ,Scott, JJ and Todd on the river

Scott was finally convinced to swim, Burr!!!!

I was lucky enough to spend 11 days in Walhalla over the holiday weekend and we had great weather. Kate and Gary came to stay with us and we had a great time. It could have been a little bit sunnier on July 2 and 3 but overall it was great to be away. July 3rd we watched fireworks at Emerson Lake Inn with the "locals" . ( Lots of out of control kids made this interesting but fun). July 4th we floated on the Pontoon boats with the Vandeburgs/ Swifts/ Jalvings and then watched Fireworks at Monica and Londi's . It was once again a great show!. I would have photos put I dropped my camera in the sand on July 3 ,so thus the lack of photos for most of the week. Bummer

Scott had to head back to Holland on July 6/7 /8 to work but then was back up for the annual Kayak event on the Pine River. You can see from the photos it was a beautiful day and they had a great time. I stayed back as I was quite ill with some bug or food poisening or something! I hope to have a new camera this Friday and will update the blog again with what Photos I do have hopefully! I have a great one of Cameo jumping off the dock!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Summer fun at the Cottage 2009

Chase and Logan doing Bubbles in the Lawn

Matt and Kim on the pontoon boat on Sunday with us and Swifts.....

Spencer and Karlee tubing on the Lake ( burrr!!!)
First we have to "borrow" a tube from Jalvings as ours seem to have holes in the so far this year... :-(

It has been a busy summer at the cottage already this year. Spencer and his friend Karlee were up tubing on the lake the weekend of June 12/13 , and our friend Matt Neiboer and Kim McClain were up the same weekend ( staying at Matt's dad's this time) to celebrate Kim birthday with a Quad adventure. This past weekend, my Niece Andrea and her husband Kevin and their two boys (Chase and Logan) were up. The rain stayed away during the day so we were able to do some beach time, play in the lawn time, and Kevin and Chase went fishing on Crystal lake. It was great to spend time with all our guests so far this year. The Sun Always Shines in Walhalla!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Class of 2009 Graduation

Upper Left, Cameo after the part
Above: the clean up crew
Lower Left: Spencer and Carley
Below: Spencer 2009

This past weekend we celebrated Spencer's Graduation from Zeeland East High School! It was a beautiful day and we were blessed with Sunshine :-) and no rain, even though all week long the forecasters said " rain on Sunday" I put my order in long ago for a good day with the man upstairs so I guess he is listening!

The Party as a hit and almost all invited we able to attend. I'm not sure who had the most fun but you can see from the photo about, cameo had a blast!
A big thank you to My girls, Abbey, Karen, Annie and Pam who put my house back together at the end. Spencer and his friends Carely, Zack and Rob helped a ton too.
We are so excited for both the kids to have the opportunity to live on campus this fall at college! ( FSU and GVSU) They will create memories for a life time and College is truely one of the best times or your life!

Congratuations Spencer You a fabulous young man and will do great in life! We are anxious to see what you and your sister Abbey can accomplish in the future! I sure it will be big and we'll be right here to support you all along the way!!!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Let the sun shine...

Ok we are back from our wonderful vacation at Estero Island and I am already missing the heat. This was Spencers Senior year spring break trip and we stayed at Gateway Villas right on the beach. We had a wonderful Trip with the Swifts, Annie and JJ along. Beautiful weather and as usual I tanned up like an Indian. Squaw talk a lot I guess...

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Basketball playoffs...

We did some road tripping this weekend with the kids to watch the Zeeland Chix Mens basketball team play at the MSU's Breslin Center for the Regional Championship ( Won Friday night! -YEAH). Friday Spencer, Scott and I had seats in the upper level mid court, but then Saturday night Abbey, Rob, Spencer , Scott and I had seats on the floor to watch the state finals. Spencer scored a seat in the student section to watch the game with his pals.
Zeeland 's Cory Van Dussen played excellant both nights and it was so much fun to watch the team beat Bridgeport but then heartbreaking to see them Loose on Saturday night to Power from Flint..

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Happy Dog Days!

The Reverse Oreo Team! Gage, Dakota and Cameo at Uncle DJ and Aunt Suzzanes house. Big fun!

Cameo had a great weekend, Walk in the woods with Neighbor guy Bill on Friday, Hang with Mom Friday night, Running with her Cousins at Uncle DJ's house ( see video) and then a bath at the Chow Hound doggie Bath- on Sunday. What a deal that is , Any of you dog Lovers need to take advantage of that whole set up! Much better than using your own tub and towels!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Kick back at the cottage...

Abbey and her dad at the cottage, We're so glad she enjoys it there and knows she is welcome with her freinds any time. That's one of the big reasons we built our own , to enjoy it with the kids!

We took a quick trip to the cottage this weekend to check on things and retrieve some summer apparrel for our upcomming spring break trip. YEAH! Abbey & Rob and their friends Curtis and Kate came up and crashed at our place after winning at the Casino. Sunday AM was a lazy morning for all Including Cameo! We watched the movie Hitch while Scott and Abbey made breakfast and then all headed home late afternoon. I think we all wanted to stay for a few more days and just kick back but alas, back to the reality of Work and College.. Hopefully next weekend we can bring the tweeked out Geo Tracker up and have some more fun!
Summer can' t come soon enough for all of us!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentines in the Woods

We headed north this weekend to kick back with the gang. It was a much needed goof off day for all of us. We did our ususal thing on Friday night at the Oasis, celebrating Londi's birthday with cupcake "shots" provided by Tammy. It was great fun to stuff them in our mouths in one bite! ( and they were yummy too, I can remember that last time I ate a cupcake, as they are on my no no list for allergies!) Saturday afternoon we yanked all the four wheel drives out of the snow banks or unloaded them off the trailers and headed out on the trails two tracking. It was a Great day to be outside! Since our Tracker has not been "Tweaked" yet, Scott and I were continually being pulled out by Tom or JJ. The day just added to our spring fevers!!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Pouting Pup

It not very common to have a traveling Cat but to have a traveling Cat with a dog is always interesting... Cameo always sits in the back and typically Mac sits on her "Kitten Car Seat" but some time she decides to roam around.

You can tell by this photo, Cameo does not like to share her space in the truck. What a spoiled girl she is! Guess this is our answer about getting another dog any time soon!! NOT!

Mackinaw in her " kitten car seat"

Monday, January 19, 2009

Rev it up!!!

It was another wonderful weekend at the cottage, a bit cold and snowy but fun. Since one of our snowmobiles is " acting Up" we decided to upgrade and purchased a 2005 Ski Do Rev!. ( red one in photo) Scott was really excited and picked it up on the way up north on Wednesday night. Saturday through the snow and the cold we rode most of the day with 10 sleds and had a great time. The Gang all stopped at Twin Creek for lunch and we were back about dark......

Mackinaw seem to be really enjoying the snow fall out side and the woodstove this weekend. By choice she spent most of the weekend in and out of this box that we use to bring fire wood in from out back. It sits right in front of the woodstove so it is always toasty warm. This is on spoiled cat.....
Good thing she is a good road Tripper! She only cries on the way home on occasion as she doensn't want to leave the cottage! ( us too, but we don't cry).

Monday, January 12, 2009

Winter Wonderland ( aka Walhalla)

It was a beautiful weekend up north( is there such a thing as a bad weekend up north?) Scott, Cameo, Mackinaw and I were up Friday night and as usual had dinner at the "O" with all the locals. It was a bit cold in the cottage but thanks to our trusty wood stove and furnace it was toasty in no time! Saturday am Scott worked at a cottage on Big Star Lake , while I sorted through DVL Tax stuff. By mid afternoon we were out riding the trails and they were awesome! As we were riding home from Nataka Tavern, a full moon was on one side of us and the sun setting on another. I couldn't help think... well in 11 weeks I'll be watch this same moon and sun sitting on a beach at Ft Myers with with Swifts! Yahoo!

Sunday the snow started up north and I took Cameo out to play in the snow. She turns in to a pup again with all the snow drifts and fluff!. Can't wait to ride with the gang next weekend!

Monday, January 5, 2009

New Years 2008 in Walhalla

2008 New years was spent at Tammy and Jeff Jalvings Cottage for cocktails, a few games of LCR, Wii Kareoke and great food! An of course what is a New years with out a shot of Tequila.
Most of us we out the door head to bed by about 12:3o but a few hit the hot tub at Furlos till about 3 am. Pam walking across the road in her robe with frozen hair must have been quite a site!
Me and Louise rocked the house and discovered Wii kareoke is harder than it looks! After trying to do this and navigate my new DS game " Are you smarter than a 5th Grader" over the weekend, I am seriously thinking about enrolling in some college courses. I am in about 2nd grade....... Soon My nephew Chase may l be smarter than me! Did you know that 9 x 8 is not 78????

Wallhalla Guys and Girls, Happy New Year to all!